Full Solution for Bungle Brothers --------------------------------- In this game you play Bertie Bungle, trying to recover the stolen money of your Brother's unsuccessful bank raid. You start off in your bedroom of your house. There's nothing much here, so go N to the landing. Still nothing here, there is a bathroom to the north, but the less said about this the better! If you go D, you find yourself in your hall. There is a newspaper here which if you GET (Note, on the BBC version you'll have to use 'GET PAPER') and READ it you'll find out your incompetant Brothers got a 25 year stretch in jail. If you now go north you'll find you Kitchen. There is a knife here, which could come in useful, GET KNIFE and as there seems to be nothing else of use, you might as well leave the house, so go S and W. This finds you in Laburnum Lane, near the church. Let's visit the church, go W to find yourself there. Once inside you may get overcome by religion and might desire to PRAY (a good idea in most Text Adventures!). Useful this time, pick up the Jemmy and, ignoring the crypt (dust, dust and more dust!) go N to the graveyard. You'll find a freshly dug grave, and might want to EXAMINE HEADSTONE. Nothing much here yet, so visit the vicar by going W to the vicarage. Being the nice person that you are, this person seems to be in your way, KILL VICAR (see how useful that knife was!) and EXAMINE CORPSE. What's this? And ID CARD, might be useful. GET ID CARD and leave the Vicarage, returning to Laburnum Lane by going E, S, E. Go S to get to Sweetpea Street, to the east is a Pet Shop, not much point in going there just yet, but to the west is a Greengrocer's Shop. Go W and you'll see the shop is out of stock, all but a mouldy Cucumber. GET CUCUMBER (you never know what may be useful!) and leave the shop by going E. Go S to get to Rosebud Road, going W will take you to the Newsagents where there is a magazine. GET MAGAZINE and READ MAGAZINE and it mentions about your Brothers hideout in Ferny Forest. Leave the Newsagents by going E. To your east is a post office, if you quickly pop in (E) you'll find a free public telephone. Instead go S to get to Peartree Parade, to your east is an empty warehouse. Ignore this and go W to get on the path to Ferny Forest - the location of your Brothers hideout! Follow the path 'til the end (W, W) You are now in the forest maze! The only way to map this out is drop objects and the try every exit (or look at the included map!) But for you lazy people, Go N, N W to get to a clearing, then W and N to get to the outside of a Log Cabin - your brothers hideout. Your brothers have left a ferious tiger here to guard the place, but the tiger is a bit too vicious and won't let you past! If you EXAMINE TIGER you'll see it is hungry, but do you have any tiger food? Only the cucumber. Might be worth a try? DROP CUCUMBER. Wow! Bet you never expected it to be a vegetarian tiger! Go N to go to the cabin and GET NOTEBOOK that is there. If you READ NOTEBOOK it tells you a number, what could this be, map coordinates? Amount of money? Complex code? Phone Number? Hold on to that last thought, there was a telephone in the Post Office, Go back there (S, S, E, E, S, S, E, E, E, N, E) and DIAL 19258143. Hmmm... Now we have a password hamster, what are hamsters? Pet's! So let's have a look in the Pet Shop (W, N, E) Nothing there, but what about the shopkeeper? EXAMINE PETE and we see he's a 'bit bent', hmmm. SAY HAMSTER and Pete gives you a spade! Spade, maybe buried treasure, but where could it be buried? Where has there been freshly dug ground - the Graveyard! Head there (W, N, W, N) and DIG (if you want to see the point of the ID card try digging without it!) And we have dug up a coffin! What could be in there, if we OPEN COFFIN (we need the Jemmy to do this!) and LOOK we'll find loads of cash. Now GET CASH. Well done your stupidly rich!